13 Days Peruvian Odyssey: From Ancient Marvels to Andean Adventures


  • Return International Flight
  • Daily Breakfast
  • Lunches (8)
  • 2 nights stay at 4 star in Lima
  • 1 night stay at 4 star in Arequipa
  • 2 nights stay at 3 star in Colca
  • 2 nights stay at 3 star in Puno
  • 2 nights stay at 4 star in Cusco
  • 1 night stay at 3 star in Sacred Valley
  • 1 night stay at 4 star in Aguas Calientes
  • 1 night stay at 4 star in Cusco
  • Lima to Arequipa by Flight
  • Arequipa to Colca by Coach
  • Colca to Puno by Coach
  • Puno to Cusco by Coach
  • Cusco to Sacred Valley by train
  • Sacred Valley to Aguas Calientes by Coach
  • Aguas Calientes to Cusco by Coach
  • Cusco to Lima by Flight
  • Lima City Tour & Larco Museum
  • Arequipa City Tour
  • Monastery Of Santa Catalina
  • condors flying over the canyon
  • Visit Achoma and Yanque
  • Visit Ocolle lookout to admire the Amphitheatre
  • visit the Uyo Uyo archaeological
  • Visit Uros & Taquile
  • Cusco City Tour And Archaeological Sites
  • Visit Sacred Valley: Chinchero, Living Museum Of Yucay And Ollantaytambo
  • Inca Trail
  • Visit Machu Picchu
  • All Airport Transfers
You'll Love
  • Lima City Tour & Larco Museum
  • Arequipa City Tour
  • Visit Uros & Taquile
  • Cusco City Tour And Archaeological Sites
  • Inca Trail
  • Visit Machu Picchu


Embark on a 13-day odyssey through the cultural and natural wonders of Peru, commencing in the ancient city of Cusco. From the moment you arrive, seamless transfers ensure a smooth transition to your hotel, setting the tone for a journey filled with captivating discoveries. Lima welcomes you with a cultural immersion, exploring the Larco Museum and the UNESCO-listed old town, offering a harmonious blend of pre-Hispanic treasures and colonial splendor. The adventure unfolds in Arequipa, where the Monastery of Santa Catalina unveils centuries of history. The enchanting Colca Valley beckons, revealing one of the world's deepest canyons and the majestic Condor Cross lookout. Puno introduces the fascinating Uros Islands and Taquile, providing insights into indigenous traditions. A scenic bus ride to Cusco encompasses cultural stops, paving the way for an exploration of the city's historical sites and a journey into the Sacred Valley. The pinnacle of the expedition is the Inca Trail trek, culminating in the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu. Guided tours, immersive cultural experiences, and breathtaking landscapes define each day, ensuring a comprehensive and unforgettable exploration of Peru's diverse tapestry. The adventure concludes with a serene morning in Cusco and a seamless departure, leaving you with cherished memories of a remarkable Peruvian sojourn.


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Upon your arrival at Lima airport, a seamless and comfortable transfer will be arranged to take you to your designated hotel. Enjoy the convenience and ease of transportation, allowing you to relax and settle in for your stay in the captivating city of Lima.

Embark on a cultural journey in Lima's old town, a UNESCO-listed World Heritage Site, starting your day with a delightful breakfast at the hotel. Explore the rich history and architectural wonders of this captivating city with a visit to the Larco Museum in the traditional Pueblo Libre district. Housed in a beautifully restored viceregal mansion built on a pre-Columbian pyramid, the museum showcases the world’s most complete pre-Hispanic collection of gold and silver objects, along with intriguing pieces of erotic art. Next, venture to Casa Aliaga, a colonial mansion granted in 1535 by chief conquistador Francisco Pizarro to Jeronimo de Aliaga, maintaining its ownership within the same family for centuries. Immerse yourself in the historical significance and architectural charm of this unique residence. Continue your exploration with a scenic tour of the colonial downtown, radiating from the Main Square. Marvel at the grandiose architecture reflecting the splendor of the Spanish Empire, and be awe-inspired by Lima's Cathedral, a monumental structure erected in the 16th century over a period of more than 80 years. Conclude your enriching tour with a comfortable transfer back to the hotel, where you can reflect on the day's discoveries.

Embark on a comfortable journey from your hotel to the airport in Lima, where you'll catch a flight to Arequipa. Upon arrival in Arequipa, a transfer will be arranged to take you to your hotel. In the afternoon, dive into the rich cultural tapestry of the city.

Commence your exploration in the main square, the 'Plaza de Armas.' Marvel at the elegant neo-Renaissance basilica cathedral that graces the square. Your journey then takes you to the sensational Monastery of Santa Catalina, a historical enclave that served as a 'forbidden city' for centuries. Closed to external influences, this 16th-century convent was a self-sufficient town with houses, cloisters, squares, narrow streets, kitchens, and more.

The colorful streets provide a glimpse into colonial Peru, offering a journey back in time. Continue your exploration to the Church of the Company, a masterpiece of Peruvian baroque.Analyze its fascinating facade and explore the exceptionally beautiful sacristy adorned with murals depicting tropical flora and fauna. The Jesuit seminary's main cloister adds to the architectural wonders.

Conclude your day by visiting the neighborhoods of Yanahuara and Carmen Alto, where you can relish a magnificent view of the Misti volcano towering over the city. Finally, you'll be transferred back to your hotel. Please note the church dress code: Sleeveless or low-cut garments, shorts above the knee, and miniskirts are not permitted during the visit. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in denied entry.

Bid farewell to Arequipa after breakfast as you embark on a journey to the enchanting Colca Valley. Traverse the Yura district, showcasing remarkable geographical features like deep ravines, lofty mountains, waterfalls, and lush vegetation. Venture through the Pampa Cañahuas, a high Andean plateau inhabited by vicuñas. Witness the stunning landscapes of the Viscachani and Toccra pampas, with the dormant Chucura Volcano's crater in the backdrop. Reach the Mirador de los Andes at Patapampa, situated at 4,910 meters above sea level, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding volcanoes. Relish lunch in Chivay before heading to your chosen hotel in the Colca Valley, where you can enjoy a free afternoon.

After breakfast at the hotel, prepare for a day of high drama with a trip to the breathtaking Condor Cross lookout. Take a deep breath and appreciate the sheer vastness of the Colca Valley, which is one of the world's deepest canyons with a maximum depth of more than 4,160 metres – twice that of the Grand Canyon. The thrill of the experience is enhanced by the natural spectacle of huge condors flying over the canyon. Watch in awe as these graceful birds of prey glide over the canyon, patrolling it with military discipline. Descend to the valley floor to discover some of the rustic towns on the banks of the River Colca such as Chivay, Pinchollo, Maca, Achoma and Yanque, where quaint colonial churches are as much as part of the scenery as the peaks of the Andes. There are also stops at the lookouts of Antahuilque and Choquetico to admire majestic views of the valley. Continue to the Ocolle lookout to admire ‘the Amphitheatre’, a collection of pre-Inca terraces that demonstrate the impressive agricultural technology of the past, and then visit the Uyo Uyo archaeological site before returning to your hotel for the night.

Commence your day with a relaxed breakfast at the hotel, savoring the morning at your leisure to enjoy the hotel's amenities. In the afternoon, embark on a journey to Puno, traversing the Salinas and Aguada Blanca National Reserve and encountering the captivating stone forests of Patahuasi. The landscapes unfold dramatically, showcasing high plains, volcanoes, distinctive rock formations, and serene lagoons where cranes elegantly spread their wings above the water. The route boasts various viewpoints, remote cafés offering coca tea, and local artisans selling traditional textiles and handicrafts. As you arrive in Puno, a seamless transfer will take you to your designated hotel.

Following breakfast at the hotel, proceed to the port of Puno, where a boat awaits to transport you to the enchanting Uros Islands. Inhabited by the Uros, an indigenous people of Peru, these islands are a marvel constructed entirely from the buoyant totora reeds flourishing in the lake's shallows. The islands consist of woven totora layers, regularly replenished as they decompose from the bottom. The Uros people not only use reeds for the islands but also for constructing their homes, leading them to cook outdoors to prevent potential fires.

After exploring this captivating island, sail to Taquile, a small haven once part of the Inca Empire. Discover traces of its Incan heritage through existing ruins on the island. Following a brief introduction, the local community will offer insights into their customs and traditions through a cultural demonstration. Enjoy a delightful lunch on the island before embarking on the return journey to Puno.

Following breakfast at the hotel, a transportation service will facilitate your transfer to the bus station, where a representative will assist you in boarding the bus to Cusco. Along the journey, engaging stops will be made, starting with the town of Pucara and the Pucara Lithic Museum. Established between 100 and 300 A.D., Pucara was the first urban settlement on Lake Titicaca. After a brief break at La Raya, the highest point on the trip between Puno and Cusco at the staggering altitude of 4,313 meters above sea level, the bus halts at Sicuani for lunch. The journey then continues to Racchi, home to the Wiracocha Temple, an Inca site dedicated to a powerful Andean god. The rectangular construction features thatched rooftops soaring 20 meters above the ground, believed to be the highest in the Inca Empire.

Later, explore Andahuaylillas, located approximately 40 kilometers from Cusco. The town's focal point is the local church, dubbed the "Sistine Chapel of America" due to the high-quality art housed within. Built during the 16th century atop Wari remains, the church is a testament to historical and artistic richness. Following this, a final 40-kilometer drive brings you to Cusco, marking the end of today's journey.

Following breakfast at the hotel, take advantage of your free morning in Cusco to either relax at the hotel or explore the city's cobblestoned streets, offering opportunities to shop for local handicrafts. In the afternoon, embark on a guided tour of the former capital of the Inca Empire.

The tour commences with a visit to Santo Domingo Convent, an expansive Renaissance-baroque complex constructed atop the Inca Coricancha temple. This temple held immense significance as one of the primary sites dedicated to sun worship. The foundations of the Inca structure are still visible at the base of the convent, and ancient chronicles describe its adorned state with gold leaf and golden representations of nature. Next, explore the Cathedral, a monumental structure dominating the Main Square. Proceed to the hills overlooking Cusco to discover the remains of the fortress of Sacsayhuaman. The impressive ramparts of Sacsayhuaman provide a breathtaking panoramic view of Cusco. Continue to the ruins of the temple and amphitheater of Qenqo, believed to have been a site for Inca agricultural rituals. Marvel at the intriguing features of Qenqo before concluding the tour with a visit to Puka Pukara, an Inca military complex perched on a prominent hill. Puka Pukara, translating to 'Red Fortress' in Quechua, still showcases dwelling squares, baths, aqueducts, walls, and towers. Following this exploration, return to your hotel to unwind.

Chinchero, Living Museum Of Yucay And Ollantaytambo - In the morning, your journey begins with a pick-up from your hotel, leading you to the town of Chinchero. Nestled at an elevated point, Chinchero offers a traditional urban center with captivating views of the valley. The local inhabitants proudly preserve Incan artisan traditions, showcasing them in their clothing and customs. Explore the archaeological remnants of Chinchero and visit its seventeenth-century church, a notable early Catholic structure in Peru.

 Following your time in Chinchero, continue to the Living Museum of Yucay, serving as an Andean traditions interpretation center. Here, witness demonstrations of traditional textile work, adobe construction, pottery, and silverware production, all following ancestral techniques. The museum's residents include llamas, sheep, and alpacas, offering a chance to interact and feed these animals.

Upon arriving in the town of Ollantaytambo, known for its uninterrupted habitation since Inca times, indulge in a superior Andean gastronomy experience at a local restaurant. Immerse yourself in the authentic spirit of the Sacred Valley within a cozy atmosphere. Conclude the day with a visit to the iconic fortress of Ollantaytambo, strategically built next to a mountain. After this enriching experience, you'll be transferred back to your hotel.

Machu Picchu - In the morning, your journey begins with a transfer to km. 104, marking the starting point of your hike. As you cross the suspension bridge over the Urubamba River, you'll explore the archaeological site of Chachabamba (2,150m / 7,052ft). Embark on an approximately 8km uphill hike, taking about 4 hours, leading you to the magnificent archaeological site of Wiñayhuayna (2,700m). This site is a remarkable complex featuring an agricultural center with numerous terraces, a religious area, and an urban sector. Along the way, immerse yourself in the lush vegetation of the forest. After enjoying a box lunch, continue your trek for about one more hour until you reach Inti Punku (The Sun Gate) at 2,730m (8,792ft). This vantage point offers your first breathtaking view of Machu Picchu (2,430m / 7,972ft). Following this awe-inspiring moment, begin your descent to Aguas Calientes, where you will check into your accommodation.

Begin your day with an early breakfast, followed by a bus ride back up to Machu Picchu. A guided tour will unfold the fascinating origins of this awe-inspiring citadel, showcasing its most prominent landmarks. Afterward, enjoy lunch at your own pace. When you're ready, board the train for the return journey, a scenic ride lasting about an hour and a half. The train will take you back to Ollantaytambo, where our transportation will be waiting to accompany you back to your hotel in Cusco.

Your day starts with breakfast at the hotel. Following that, you'll complete the check-out process, preparing to leave. You will be transferred to the Cusco airport, where you'll catch your flight back home. Wishing you a safe and pleasant journey!


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